Books by Randy David Newman

Questioning Faith: Indirect Journeys of Belief through Terrains of Doubt
Do you have honest questions about faith? Or have you walked away from faith altogether?. . .sort through your many questions and find solid answers.

Mere Evangelism
Evangelism is an extraordinary task; it’s what God uses to bring people from death to life. Evangelist Randy Newman skillfully helps us to apply the methods C.S. Lewis used (storytelling, humor, imagery, and more) in our own conversations.
Unlikely Converts
Randy Newman shares surprising conversion stories straight from those who took the long way around to Christianity. He considers current cultural trends that make evangelism more difficult today.
Engaging with Jewish People
Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversations about their faith with Jewish people knowing that there are complex issues and suspicions that lie deep beneath the surface. This book emphasizes the importance of forming loving, honest and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Jewish friends.

Questioning Evangelism
Filled with humor and stories, this book provides a challenging yet encouraging look at evangelism in our world today. This volume gives advice on what people need to hear in response to the world around them.
Corner Conversations
Written by Gold Medallion nominee Randy Newman, this captivating sequel to Questioning Evangelism allows readers to learn new evangelistic skills by eavesdropping on important conversations that grapple with hot-button issues.
Bringing the Gospel Home
Randy Newman gives insights from the Scriptures, stories of others who have learned some lessons along the way, and specific steps you can take to make progress in engaging with others seeking to guide loved ones into the family of God.