Controlling the Weather

Over the course of the last two weeks, our family has experienced a wedding, an earthquake, and a tropical storm. Involved with the wedding came countless visits to to see if the rain would hold off long enough for us to hold the ceremony outdoors. (It did!) The tropical storm (a hurricane a few miles away) brought an evacuation from our vacation and, again, more hits to than I care to count. I keep waiting to hear if a locust plague waits around the corner.

Thoughts on Marriage from the Unique Vantage Point of the Father/Officiant

This past Saturday, August 13th, I had the joyous privilege of performing the wedding of our eldest son Dan and his bride Kelsey. The entire day flowed as a series of showers of grace. As the father, I wanted to soak in all the little moments that wove a tapestry of blessing. But as the officiant, I wanted to hold it together to say the things that needed to be said and to preach a message to exalt the wonders of marriage, the goodness of God, and the blessing of knowing this God as Savior and Lord.

Meeting temporal needs in a decaying world

Is this world passing away or is it in the process of healing? Will it be replaced or renewed? Is the New Heavens and the New Earth a completely new entity or the fulfillment of this world’s longings and groanings? And, more to the point of this blog, does our view of the relationship between this world and the next one influence our view of mission?

Telling Your Story

The task of evangelism often includes telling our individual story along with the larger gospel story. Weaving the two together makes for a powerful articulation of God’s gracious work through all times and his specific salvific work in an individual heart – namely, yours.